
Regions.plot_regions(self, ax=None, regions='all', add_label=True, label='number', line_kws={}, text_kws={}, subsample=None)

plot map with with srex regions

axaxes handle, optional

If given, uses existing axes. If not given, creates a new axes. Note: in contrast to plot this does not create a cartopy axes.

regionslist of int or str | ‘all’, optional

Select the regions (by number, abbrev or name, can be mixed) that should be outlined.


If true labels the regions. Optional, default True.

label‘number’ | ‘name’ | ‘abbrev’, optional

If ‘number’ labels the regions with numbers, if ‘name’ uses the long name of the regions, if ‘short_name’ uses abbreviations of the regions. Default ‘number’.

add_oceanbool, optional

If true colors the ocean blue. Default: True.


Arguments passed to plot.


Arguments passed to the labels (ax.text).

resolution‘110m’ | ‘50m’ | ‘10m’

Specify the resolution of the coastline and the ocean dataset. See cartopy for details.

subsampleNone or bool, optional

If True subsamples the outline of the coords to make better looking plots on certain maps. If False does not subsample. If None, infers the subsampling -> if the input is given as array subsamples if it is given as (Multi)Polygons does not subsample.